
Transformation objects serve to transform basic elements placed on the screen. Transformations will give animated look to your presentation's screens.

Transformations for all screen's objects will start simultaneously immediately after screen is displayed by Player.
All transformations are characterized by duration and count of steps at that object has to be transformed from initial its state to final.
At run-time Player can correct count of steps for transformation if time interval for each step is too small.

In Editor area all transformations for one object (except Screen scrolling) are united in one rectangular area. This area is displayed when you select one of transformation objects. Location, size and transparency of this area correspond to final state of object.

Screen scrolling

Screen scrolling
Screen scrolling scrolls all presentation's screen to definite point.

You can add a new Screen scrolling transformation by pressing a corresponding button on the Tool bar or via menu Objects.
Screen scrolling object is displayed in editor as a special sign - arrow that points to scrolling target.

Name Description
Name Name of the Screen scrolling object.
Left Left coordinate of scrolling target.
Top Top coordinate of scrolling target.
Right Right coordinate of scrolling target.
Bottom Bottom coordinate of scrolling target.
Scrolling type This property defines the scrolling direction.
Number of steps Count of transformation steps.
Duration (msec) Transformation's duration in milliseconds.

This transformation lets moving object from one location to another.

You can add a new motion transformation by pressing a corresponding button on the Tool bar or via menu Objects.
Motion element is displayed in editor by icon.

Name Description
Name Name of the Motion object.
To mouse position This switch defines if a final location of the object must be equal to mouse position.
To point Defines the fixed final location of the object. You can change this property in a dialog window that can be opened by clicking button.
Number of steps Count of transformation steps.
Duration (msec) Transformation's duration in milliseconds.
Moving allowed This switch defines if element can change its location.

This transformation lets changing object's size.

You can add a new scaling transformation by pressing a corresponding button on the Tool bar or via menu Objects.
Scaling element is displayed in editor by icon.

Name Description
Name Name of the Scaling object.
To size Defines a final size of the object. You can change this property in a dialog window that can be opened by clicking button.
Number of steps Count of transformation steps.
Duration (msec) Transformation's duration in milliseconds.
Resizing allowed This switch defines if element can change its size.

This transformation lets changing object's rotation angle.

This transformation can not be applied to Text objects.

You can add a new rotation transformation by pressing a corresponding button on the Tool bar or via menu Objects.
Rotation element is displayed in editor by icon.

Name Description
Name Name of the Rotation object.
Angle Defines a final rotation angle of the object.
Number of steps Count of transformation steps.
Duration (msec) Transformation's duration in milliseconds.
Note. Editor currently can not show rotation of objects. You can inspect result in browser when you are previewing the presentation.

This transformation lets changing object's transparency.

This transformation can not be applied to Text objects.

You can add a new transparency transformation by pressing a corresponding button on the Tool bar or via menu Objects.
Transparency element is displayed in editor by icon.

Name Description
Name Name of the Transparency object.
Alpha Defines a final transparency value of the object.
Number of steps Count of transformation steps.
Duration (msec) Transformation's duration in milliseconds.

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